V hre stlačením [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[~] zapni konzolu a zadávaj nasledujúce kódy:
god - god mód
give [meno_predmetu] - pridá daný predmet
give all - všetky zbrane + munícia
give ammo - doplní muníciu
give armor - brnenie na 125
give doom95 - klasická DOOM 1995 verzia
give health - zdravie na 100
give keys - všetky kľúče
give weapon_bfg - BFG
give weapon_chainsaw - reťazová píla
give weapon_machinegun - guľomet
give weapon_plasmagun - plazmová puška
give weapon_rocketlauncher - raketomet
give weapon_shotgun - brogovnica
Použi [~] pre zapnutie konzoly com_allowConsole
com_showfps 1 - zobrazí FPS
com_showMemoryUsage - zobrazí obsadenie pamäte
com_showSoundDecoders - zobrazí sound decoders
com_videoRam - video RAM
pm_thirdperson [0 / 1] - prepínanie pohľadu tretej osoby
quit - ukončenie hry
r_brightness [číslo] - nastavovanie jasu
Mená príšer (použi s kódom spawn):
Cyberdemon monster_boss_cyberdemon
Guardian monster_boss_guardian
Guardian's Seeker monster_boss_guardian_seeker
Sabaoth monster_boss_sabaoth
Vagary monster_boss_vagary
Archvile monster_demon_archvile
Cherub monster_demon_cherub
Hellknight monster_demon_hellknight
Imp monster_demon_imp
Maggot monster_demon_maggot
Mancubus monster_demon_mancubus
Pinky monster_demon_pinky
Revenant monster_demon_revenant
Tick monster_demon_tick
Trite monster_demon_trite
Wraith monster_demon_wraith
Cacodemon monster_flying_cacodemon
Lostsoul monster_flying_lostsoul
Zombie wth flashlight monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight
Flaming Zombie monster_zombie_bernie
Commando Zombie monster_zombie_commando
Commando Zombie with chaingun monster_zombie_commando_cgun
Fat Zombie with wrench monster_zombie_fat_wrench
Fat Zombie monster_zombie_fat2
Zombie in jumpsuit monster_zombie_jumpsuit
Zombie eating monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating
Zombie in labcoat monster_zombie_labcoat
Zombie missing limb monster_zombie_limb
Zombie monster_zombie_maint
Bald zombie monster_zombie_maint_bald
Zombie with no jaw monster_zombie_maint_nojaw
Skinny zombie monster_zombie_maint_skinny
Zombie with Wrench monster_zombie_maint_wrench
Zombie monster_zombie_maint2
Zombie with a pipe monster_zombie_pipe
Chainsaw zombie monster_zombie_sawyer
Skinny zombie monster_zombie_skinny
Bloody mouthed zombie monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth
Headless zombie monster_zombie_suit_neckstump
Skinny zombie in suit monster_zombie_suit_skinny
Bald Zombie in T-shirt monster_zombie_tshirt_bald
Zombie in T-shirt monster_zombie_tshirt_blown
Z-sec Zombie with machine gun monster_zsec_machinegun
Z-sec Zombie with pistol monster_zsec_pistol
Z-sec Zombie with shield monster_zsec_shield
Z-sec Zombie with shotgun monster_zsec_shotgun
Ostatné mená (použi s kódom spawn):
Adrenaline powerup_adrenaline
Megahealth powerup_megahealth
Invisibility powerup_invisibility
Mená zbraní (použi s kódom give):
Mená munície (použi s kódom give):
Mená predmetov (použi s kódom give):
pda admin_banks
pda admin_dorweiler
pda admin_moses
pda admin_simons
pda alphalabs1_berger
pda alphalabs1_krietman
pda alphalabs1_lipsitz
pda alphalabs1_smith
pda alphalabs2_chin
pda alphalabs2_connors
pda alphalabs3_abrams
pda alphalabs3_lamia
pda alphalabs3_nelson
pda alphalabs3_poota
pda alphalabs4_kaczynski
pda caverns1_cody
pda comm1_blake
pda comm1_finch
pda comm1_wolfe
pda comm1_wolfe
pda commoutside_holiday
pda commoutside_ridge
pda cpu_bates
pda cpu_haskell
pda cpuboss_tooloose
pda delta1_mora
pda delta1_price
pda delta2a_cinders
pda delta2a_raleigh
pda delta2a_wilson
pda delta2b_bullman
pda delta2b_erikson
pda delta2b_mcneil
pda delta2b_stemmons
pda delta3_cerano
pda delta3_lee
pda delta3_shultz
pda delta4_gilbert
pda delta5_jackson
pda delta5_swann
pda enpro_chasar
pda enpro_hammer
pda enpro_raad
pda hell_garlick
pda hell_hebert
pda marscity2_caseon
pda marscity2_duncan
pda marscity2_stanton
pda marscity2_tyson
pda mc1_berneche
pda mcunderground_baston
pda mcunderground_delahue
pda mcunderground_ryan
pda mcunderground_young
pda monorail_cullen
pda monorail_harding
pda monorail_hollies
pda monorail_ross
pda recycling1_garza
pda recycling1_sadowayj
pda recycling2_johnson
pda recycling2_moen
pda site3_davis
pda site3_rogers
video bfg
video chaingun
video demon_museum
video epd (download videodisc with content)
video hydrocon
video ian_report
video ipn_news
video mfs
video plasmagun
video recycling
video soulcube
video tablets
god - god mód
give [meno_predmetu] - pridá daný predmet
give all - všetky zbrane + munícia
give ammo - doplní muníciu
give armor - brnenie na 125
give doom95 - klasická DOOM 1995 verzia
give health - zdravie na 100
give keys - všetky kľúče
give weapon_bfg - BFG
give weapon_chainsaw - reťazová píla
give weapon_machinegun - guľomet
give weapon_plasmagun - plazmová puška
give weapon_rocketlauncher - raketomet
give weapon_shotgun - brogovnica
Použi [~] pre zapnutie konzoly com_allowConsole
com_showfps 1 - zobrazí FPS
com_showMemoryUsage - zobrazí obsadenie pamäte
com_showSoundDecoders - zobrazí sound decoders
com_videoRam - video RAM
pm_thirdperson [0 / 1] - prepínanie pohľadu tretej osoby
quit - ukončenie hry
r_brightness [číslo] - nastavovanie jasu
Mená príšer (použi s kódom spawn):
Cyberdemon monster_boss_cyberdemon
Guardian monster_boss_guardian
Guardian's Seeker monster_boss_guardian_seeker
Sabaoth monster_boss_sabaoth
Vagary monster_boss_vagary
Archvile monster_demon_archvile
Cherub monster_demon_cherub
Hellknight monster_demon_hellknight
Imp monster_demon_imp
Maggot monster_demon_maggot
Mancubus monster_demon_mancubus
Pinky monster_demon_pinky
Revenant monster_demon_revenant
Tick monster_demon_tick
Trite monster_demon_trite
Wraith monster_demon_wraith
Cacodemon monster_flying_cacodemon
Lostsoul monster_flying_lostsoul
Zombie wth flashlight monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight
Flaming Zombie monster_zombie_bernie
Commando Zombie monster_zombie_commando
Commando Zombie with chaingun monster_zombie_commando_cgun
Fat Zombie with wrench monster_zombie_fat_wrench
Fat Zombie monster_zombie_fat2
Zombie in jumpsuit monster_zombie_jumpsuit
Zombie eating monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating
Zombie in labcoat monster_zombie_labcoat
Zombie missing limb monster_zombie_limb
Zombie monster_zombie_maint
Bald zombie monster_zombie_maint_bald
Zombie with no jaw monster_zombie_maint_nojaw
Skinny zombie monster_zombie_maint_skinny
Zombie with Wrench monster_zombie_maint_wrench
Zombie monster_zombie_maint2
Zombie with a pipe monster_zombie_pipe
Chainsaw zombie monster_zombie_sawyer
Skinny zombie monster_zombie_skinny
Bloody mouthed zombie monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth
Headless zombie monster_zombie_suit_neckstump
Skinny zombie in suit monster_zombie_suit_skinny
Bald Zombie in T-shirt monster_zombie_tshirt_bald
Zombie in T-shirt monster_zombie_tshirt_blown
Z-sec Zombie with machine gun monster_zsec_machinegun
Z-sec Zombie with pistol monster_zsec_pistol
Z-sec Zombie with shield monster_zsec_shield
Z-sec Zombie with shotgun monster_zsec_shotgun
Ostatné mená (použi s kódom spawn):
Adrenaline powerup_adrenaline
Megahealth powerup_megahealth
Invisibility powerup_invisibility
Mená zbraní (použi s kódom give):
Mená munície (použi s kódom give):
Mená predmetov (použi s kódom give):
pda admin_banks
pda admin_dorweiler
pda admin_moses
pda admin_simons
pda alphalabs1_berger
pda alphalabs1_krietman
pda alphalabs1_lipsitz
pda alphalabs1_smith
pda alphalabs2_chin
pda alphalabs2_connors
pda alphalabs3_abrams
pda alphalabs3_lamia
pda alphalabs3_nelson
pda alphalabs3_poota
pda alphalabs4_kaczynski
pda caverns1_cody
pda comm1_blake
pda comm1_finch
pda comm1_wolfe
pda comm1_wolfe
pda commoutside_holiday
pda commoutside_ridge
pda cpu_bates
pda cpu_haskell
pda cpuboss_tooloose
pda delta1_mora
pda delta1_price
pda delta2a_cinders
pda delta2a_raleigh
pda delta2a_wilson
pda delta2b_bullman
pda delta2b_erikson
pda delta2b_mcneil
pda delta2b_stemmons
pda delta3_cerano
pda delta3_lee
pda delta3_shultz
pda delta4_gilbert
pda delta5_jackson
pda delta5_swann
pda enpro_chasar
pda enpro_hammer
pda enpro_raad
pda hell_garlick
pda hell_hebert
pda marscity2_caseon
pda marscity2_duncan
pda marscity2_stanton
pda marscity2_tyson
pda mc1_berneche
pda mcunderground_baston
pda mcunderground_delahue
pda mcunderground_ryan
pda mcunderground_young
pda monorail_cullen
pda monorail_harding
pda monorail_hollies
pda monorail_ross
pda recycling1_garza
pda recycling1_sadowayj
pda recycling2_johnson
pda recycling2_moen
pda site3_davis
pda site3_rogers
video bfg
video chaingun
video demon_museum
video epd (download videodisc with content)
video hydrocon
video ian_report
video ipn_news
video mfs
video plasmagun
video recycling
video soulcube
video tablets
co to je?
(????????, 12. 2. 2012 17:23)